Posted 6 October 2022
Holywell Trust is currently seeking to appoint four individuals/organisations to undertake four pieces of research as part of the Future Relationships Conversations Project.
The research themes are as follows:
- Attitudes of Protestant community in Laggan area of East Donegal (and their family members in Northern Ireland) on their acceptance within the Republic of Ireland since the partition of Ireland and Northern Ireland related issues, including the constitutional question.
- Review, summary and assessment of the main findings of existing literature on the constitutional issue compiled to date through a range of sources (to be agreed with Future Relationship Conversations Advisory Group) and to identify gaps for potential future research and study.
- Comparative assessment of current key health service information on both sides of the border – cost of access, overall budgets and waiting list information. Research to include proposed changes to systems in both jurisdictions, Slaintecare and Bengoa reforms, their cost and progress on delivery.
- To review and assess the impact of the use of language by Northern Ireland based media and the positive/negative contribution that this makes to addressing division and deepening understanding of the constitutional issue.
The deadline for completed submissions is 4.00pm Friday 10th September 2021.
Supporting documentation