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NI Departments Budget Feedback Sessions

31 May 2023

10:00am - 04:00pm


May 31


10:00 am - 04:00 pm

Event Category:

RCN Event

We are sure you are aware of the some of the budget cuts NI Departments are proposing to make as a result of the budget set by the Secretary of State at the end of April.

Some of the proposed cuts that have been reported in the media include:

  • Turning off street lights
  • No winter gritting of road network
  • Reducing the number of student nursing places by 300 next year
  • Stopping any new school buildings
  • Reducing the target for new social homes by 600 next year
  • Cuts to funding of Community and Voluntary sector organisations

As part of this process Departments are bound by law to undertake Equality Impact Assessments to seek feedback from the public on how the cuts might negatively impact people in Section 75 groups.

“What’s the point? Sure these decisions are already made?”

Its understandable people feel that way about these cuts and the consultations accompanying them.

RCN takes the view that it’s still important to make our members’ views known and to make Departments aware of the potential of additional negative impacts for rural citizens generally and for Section 75 groups in rural communities in particular.  Trying to provide a rural voice is a key aim of our organisation.

We aim to host online conversations on the EQIAs to help inform our responses.  The conversations will involve a short presentation on the key issues highlighted in the EQIA and then a discussion on the implications for rural communities and any suggested feedback for the Department.

You can sign up to as many as you like depending on your interest and schedule.


Department for Infrastructure EQIA – Wednesday 31 May 10.00-10.50am

The Executive Office EQIA – Wednesday 31 May 11.00-11.50am

Department of Health EQIA – Wednesday 31 May 14.00-14.50pm

Department for Communities EQIA – Wednesday 31 May 15.00-15.50pm


Further Sessions may be organized as Departments release their EQIAs for consultation and subject to RCN staff resource.

To register for places on the various sessions click on this Google form.

A Zoom link for the session(s) you are interested in will be emailed back to you.

Further info – contact Aidan Campbell


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash